Journey Church ATX

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I didn’t post a blog last week because I’ve been struggling. I’d like to apologize for the inconsistency. 

 Struggling with what? 

Oh, ya know, setting priorities, time management, getting adequate sleep, and other personal things. The usual. 

I thought that once I had a new job and a different schedule, that I would be better at this. Surprise!! I’m not. 

I’m learning that the mentality of “I’ll do better tomorrow” never helps us actually do better. The truth is, you can do it today. 

Say it with me, “I can do better today.” 

Don’t wait until you get that new job. Don’t wait until Saturday or next month.

Do better today. 

I had gotten so caught up in waiting for tomorrow, that I never did anything in my “today” and ultimately set myself up for failure. Because when tomorrow got here, I wasn’t ready. I hadn’t made good habits! 

One night as I sat thinking on this, I realized how much of a failure I had felt like because of this. 

The next morning I tried to make a new routine and did a devotional. 

This was the scripture it used. 

Psalm 23:5 

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

I’ve always looked at it as literal enemies (like with actual wars and stuff in the Bible), but God flipped it and I read it thinking of the enemy I am to myself. Jesus called me out on my negativity that was preventing me from improving. 

Because my tomorrow didn’t look like I thought it would, I was really hard on myself. I got so caught up in the fact that I didn’t measure up to my own standards. I became my own enemy and because of it I couldn’t wake up and do better. 

I was relying on my own strength instead of His. I was believing the lies of the enemy instead of truth.

Jesus reminded me that in the midst of my self doubt, anxiety, distrust, and depression -  that He still prepares a table for me. No matter how many times I fail. He still calls me His. He anoints my head with oil. HE EMPOWERS ME to do better today.

He will do this for you as well. 

So dont wait for tomorrow. 

Trust in Jesus today.

Let Him be your strength today. 

Do better today. 

(even if it’s little by little) 

Proverbs 27:1

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”